Friday 26 July 2024
32-inch dual-mode gaming OLED faces supply shortage despite LG production lines operating at full capacity
The gaming OLED monitor recently launched by LG Electronics has reportedly sold out globally. Despite continuous production increases for said product, it remains "out of stock."...
Thursday 4 July 2024
China's 618 monitor sales perform well, boosting the strength of panel orders
This year, TV and NB sales, which are two of the three major panel applications in the market, faced recessions during their 618 promotions.
Thursday 13 June 2024
AmTRAN expects prosperity in 3Q24 as shipment ratio changes
2024 is a year of major sporting events. Benefiting from three major sports events, AmTRAN's shipments and performance in the first half of the year have been impressive.
Monday 27 May 2024
Qisda's 2024 vision: four strategies for growth amidst global challenges
Looking ahead to 2024, Qisda is set to concentrate on four key operational strategies, targeting heightened growth and market dominance.
Tuesday 21 May 2024
SDC and LGD dominate OLED monitor market with rapid growth and gaming focus
OLED panels used for external screens/monitors remain dominated by the two major South Korean panel manufacturers, Samsung Display (SDC) and LG Display (LGD), becoming a new growth...
Thursday 9 May 2024
In light of market recovery, Samsung and LG launch new monitor products targeting gaming and AI
To take advantage of the rebound in the global monitor market in 2024, companies such as Samsung Electronics and LG Electronics are targeting high-performance, gaming, and AI demands...
Tuesday 7 May 2024
TV panel prices may begin to fluctuate
TV panel prices may come under pressure in May, with LCD makers likely to lower fab utilization rates, according to industry sources.
Tuesday 23 April 2024
Automotive suppliers closely monitor potential impacts of regional conflicts
The international maritime logistics sector has faced multiple challenges, including the 2023 Red Sea crisis and the recent conflict between Israel and Iran. The regional tension...
Friday 2 February 2024
TV panel price increase to continue into March
The recent conflict in the Red Sea, upstream polarizer shortage, and controlled utilization rates have prompted brands to stock up panels in advance, which has created an earlier...
Tuesday 9 January 2024
Commercial monitor panel market expects slight rebound in 2024
According to industry sources, a moderate recovery in demand for commercial monitors is anticipated to result in a marginal increase in the global demand for monitor panels in 2024...
Monday 23 October 2023
India to monitor notebook and tablet imports without resorting to licensing or quotas
After multiple policy adjustments, India has implemented an import management system for computers and notebooks without resorting to licensing or quota restrictions, while imported...
Tuesday 25 July 2023
Monitor vendors to increase panel purchases in 2H23
Monitor brand vendors are expected to increase their purchases of display panels in the second half of 2023, catering to back-to-school demand and holiday shopping, according to industry...
Friday 21 July 2023
IC design houses continue to monitor inventory controls
IC design companies will continue to manage inventory levels through the fourth quarter of 2023 cautiously, setting the tone for the performance of the semiconductor industry during...
Monday 10 July 2023
Omdia cuts global large-area LCD shipment forecast for 2023
According to Omdia, previous estimates that large-area LCD shipments would increase by 0.6% in 2023 have now been revised to show negative growth of 3.2% due to slower demand and...
Thursday 6 July 2023
LCD sales in China limp despite consumer market rebound
LCD monitor global shipments have suffered a discouraging downturn in the first half of 2023, with shipment volumes seeing a 20% year-over-year decrease in Q1. The slump prompted...