Friday 2 August 2024
Global server market, 2Q 2024
Global server shipments up over 7% sequentially in the second quarter of 2024 with growth in the third quarter continuing to be driven by CSPs.
Thursday 11 July 2024
Global annual AI server shipments, 2023-2024
Global high-end AI server shipments to soar 183% from a year ago in 2024 with the related supply chain all gearing up for the opportunity.
Friday 3 May 2024
Global server market, 1Q 2024
Global server shipments slid slightly from a quarter ago in the first quarter of 2024 and will rise around 2% both sequentially and on-yearly in the second quarter.
Tuesday 30 April 2024
Liquid and air cooling solutions for AI servers
As air cooling grew insufficient for the heat dissipation of datacenters when running AI applications, L2A and L2L cooling methods are likely to see rising penetration to datacenters in the upcoming years.
Tuesday 2 April 2024
Taiwan server revenue and shipment forecast, 2024
Taiwan server industry experienced a decline in 2023 revenues and shipments, but is poised to see growth in 2024.
Monday 4 March 2024
Global server industry and shipments, 2024
After a double-digit on-year decline in 2023, global server shipments are expected to resume growth in 2024, but the volumes will fall back to slightly above the 2019 level.
Tuesday 27 February 2024
Global server shipment forecast, 2024 and beyond
Global server shipments are expected to rise at a CAGR of 6% from 2023-2028, according to DIGITIMES Research's latest findings.
Thursday 22 February 2024
Air cooling solutions for datacenter servers
DIGITIMES Research expects 3D VC to become mainstream air cooling solutions for servers in 2024-2025.
Friday 2 February 2024
Global server market, 4Q 2023
Based on DIGITIMES Research's statistics, fourth-quarter 2023 global server shipments grew 3.1% from the prior quarter, coming somewhat short of expectation.
Monday 20 November 2023
Global server market, 3Q 2023
Global server shipments increased 1.5% quarter-over-quarter in third-quarter 2023 and will rise further by 3.8% in the fourth quarter
Tuesday 24 October 2023
HPC chip industry, 2H 2023
The three primary high performance computing (HPC) chip suppliers, Intel, AMD, and Nvidia, all experienced lackluster sales in the first half of 2023 amid weak demand for HPC applications, according to a survey of DIGITIMES Research.
Thursday 14 September 2023
Global high-end AI server shipments
In response to explosive generative AI and large language model (LLM) demand, major cloud service providers and leading server brands are stepping up efforts toward AI servers, with a focus on ramping up their procurement of high-end AI servers featuring accelerators with high bandwidth memory (HBM) integrated.