Status of global AI healthcare market

Eva Lin, DIGITIMES Research, Taipei 0


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Image analysis makes a major contribution to the AI healthcare industry with Taiwan enjoying rapid development in related applications.

The market size of AI applications for healthcare was US$19.2 billion in 2023, and DIGITIMES Research estimates that the market will grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 35.8% to reach US$159.7 billion in 2030. Taiwan's AI healthcare market was NT$360 million (US$11.32 million) in 2023 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 17.3% to reach NT$1.12 billion in 2030.

Geographically, North America is the biggest market, accounting for nearly 50% of the global AI healthcare market, followed by Europe in second place, and the Asia-Pacific region in third. However, due to increases in population, healthcare costs and government investments in healthcare infrastructure, the Asia-Pacific region is the fastest growing region in the AI healthcare market.

What motivates a medical sector to leverage AI applications depends on the amount of data it has to handle, the prevalence and R&D efficiency. In terms of data volume, medical imaging accounts for the largest amount of medical data, so AI is most widely used in medical image analysis at present.

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