Monday 11 December 2023
Semiconductor cybersecurity at stake: NXP hack and TSMC supply chain measures
Seen as a strategic industry by many countries, the semiconductor supply chain is susceptible to cyber attacks looking to steal trade secrets and technology know-how, while others...
Monday 11 December 2023
Evolution in consumer demand redefines development context of tech industry
With 2024 on the horizon, the tech industry will face new opportunities and challenges.
Thursday 7 December 2023
Revolutionizing dialysis: Qidni Labs founder & CEO Morteza Ahmadi's quest to improve patient's quality of life
Founded in 2014, the Canadian startup Qidni Labs has a bold mission: to develop the most accessible and affordable dialysis technology for millions of patients suffering from kidney...
Thursday 7 December 2023
Canada's Clarius eyes the Asian market with handheld ultrasound scanners armed with cutting-edge AMD chips
Established in 2014, Clarius, a Canada-based company with 150 staff around the world, made waves in the medical imaging realm with the introduction of one of the pioneering handheld...
Wednesday 6 December 2023
'Whoscall' company Gogolook sees opportunities and challenges in exploring Southeast Asian markets
Known for "Whoscall," an app for phone number identification, Gogolook is one of the few successful software companies born in Taiwan. Listed in the Taiwan Innovation Board in July,...
Wednesday 6 December 2023
Huawei's 5nm chip in L540 NB could be inventory made by TSMC before US ban
The latest report by Wccftech pointed out that Huawei's new notebook (NB) PC L540 is equipped with the 5nm Kirin 9006C, an SoC with 8 cores. Chinese media ITHome...
Wednesday 6 December 2023
Safeguarding semiconductor IoT security with post-quantum cryptography: Q&A with Crypto Quantique CEO Shahram Mossayebi
The global trend of cybersecurity legislation development, with the European Union's Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) slated for enforcement in 2024, will impact the IoT ecosystem and require...
Monday 4 December 2023
Canadian startup Polytone Laser is changing the landscape of cancer treatment
In the realm of medical technology, Montreal-based startup Polytone Laser has emerged as a pioneer, spearheading a revolutionary approach to the treatment of solid tumors and other...
Friday 1 December 2023
Canada's GestureTek Health aims to expand its video-gesture-control-based physiotherapy solutions to new markets
The Toronto, Canada-based GestureTek Health is looking to bring its Interactive Rehabilitation Exercise (IREX) system and other physiotherapy solutions to new markets as part of its...
Wednesday 29 November 2023
The application of the nanoimprint lithography (2): Latest market development
The model FPA-1200NZ2C from Canon, a nanoscale imprinting machine, has been making headlines recently, although it first appeared in academic journals as early as 2015. The resurgence...
Wednesday 29 November 2023
Samsung expands into automotive chip market with an aim to surpass Micron by 2025
South Korean electronic giant Samsung Electronics has made significant progress since its foray into the automotive device market in 2015. Recent launches of various automotive ICs...
Tuesday 28 November 2023
Tobii's driver monitoring system aims to improve Asia's bus safety
Monitoring the driver's state is critical to facilitate road safety. Stockholm-headquartered Tobii has launched a software for driver monitoring system (DMS) leveraging its eye-tracking...
Tuesday 28 November 2023
The application of nanoimprint lithography (1): technology and challenges
Recently, the Japanese semiconductor equipment manufacturer Canon released the nanoimprint lithography (NIL) machine FPA-1200NZ2C, capable of achieving a 5-nanometer process node...
Monday 27 November 2023
Automotive electronics become key to survival for China's self-designed chips
Moore Silicon, a chip subsidiary of the Chinese state-owned electronics company TCL, is the latest dissolved in-house IC design team of a technology conglomerate in China after Oppo's...
Wednesday 22 November 2023
The current state and future of autonomous driving technology
In less than 40 years since the inception of the first self-driving car, we have witnessed significant progress and changes in the automotive industry. However, the journey toward...
Arm Cortex -M0 series
Summary of Tech Supply Chain News!
Fuel cell is pivotal for Taiwan's hydrogen industry, according to DIGITIMES Research
Silicon shield doesn't guarantee military deterrence for Taiwan, says DIGITIMES Research
Taiwan IPC makers pushing integrated services to boost profits and to see revenues grow in 2024, says DIGITIMES Research