Thursday 11 July 2024
Traditional Tier-1 suppliers struggle as electrification reshapes auto supply chain
The automotive industry's ongoing transition to electronic systems and electrification is creating a "tug-of-war" between new and established Tier-1 suppliers, known for supplying...
Tuesday 25 June 2024
Bosch drives future of automotive tech with Microsoft GenAI and Qualcomm HPC partnerships
Tier 1 automotive supplier Bosch is aggressively pursuing advancements in automotive electronic and electrical architecture.
Monday 17 June 2024
Does AI scale-up distract emerging Taiwanese automotive tier-1 suppliers?
Geopolitics and the Group of Two (G2) dynamic have attracted Taiwan's ICT supply chain much attention.
Friday 14 June 2024
Is Huawei, a new automotive tier-1, overshadowing carmakers?
Chinese EV makers continue to enhance smart vehicle technology. As an emerging automotive tier-1 supplier, Huawei's car business profited in the first quarter of 2024. However, concerns...
Thursday 13 June 2024
Legacy tier-1s find themselves in tight spot as automakers transfer cost pressure
Legacy automotive tier-1 suppliers are in hot water because major automakers face fierce competition and scale back their EV investments. Carmakers continue to pressure tier-1s, saying...
Wednesday 20 December 2023
Chinese auto interior parts provider enters Tier 1, with domestic clients quickly rising
Huang Sheng-Chang, CFO of Hiroca Holdings, an automotive interior parts manufacturer, mentioned in the firm's online earnings call on December 19 that BYD has accredited Hirosawa,...
Monday 11 December 2023
STMicroelectronics explores deeper collaborations in reshaping the automotive chip ecosystem
STMicroelectronics, a major European IDM, recently hosted the ST Taiwan Tech Day event in Taipei, showcasing its latest innovations across various fields, including the booming automotive...
Monday 21 November 2022
Automotive software is changing the relationship between automakers and Tier 1s
The relationship between mainstream automakers and Tier 1 suppliers has experienced a subtle change when they entered the future vehicle sector. This is especially true with the shift...