Apple has introduced Apple Watch Ultra 2, bringing new features to Apple's most capable and rugged smartwatch, Apple Watch Series 9, bringing new features to the wearable series,...
Chinese smart device manufacturer GoerTek recently joined the likes of OFilm, AAC Technologies, and Lens Technology to become the latest Chinese supplier removed from Apple's supply...
GoerTek was instructed to suspend the production of a smart audio device, which analyst Ming-chi Kuo said would impact the production of AirPods Pro 2.
Suppliers are gearing up for shipments of Apple's upcoming MacBook Pro series, while shipments of the existing MacBook Pro models are slowing down, according to industry sources....
Apple has unveiled its latest wearable products including the Apple Watch Ultra, Series 8, and SE, as well as the next-generation AirPods Pro with new features.
Apple has stepped up its chip purchases for the AirPods as sales of the wireless earbuds turned out to be strong at the end of 2021, according to industry sources. Apple is also gearing...
Taiwan-based IC substrate suppliers, such as Unimicron Technology, have reportedly cut into the supply chain for Apple's custom-built silicon powering the next generation Macs, and...
A strong pull-in of short lead-time orders is filling Winbond Electronics' production capacity for NOR flash memory, according to industry sources. The orders are reportedly placed...
The market for system-in-package (SiP) substrates is already tight and will become tighter as Apple is looking to adopt SiP technology in more of its AirPods series, according to...
Apple reportedly will have its next-generation AirPods series all adopt system-in-package (SiP) technology, which will significantly boost overall quartz component demand for the...
SiP substrates adopted for processing core processors and peripheral components for new Apple Watch models reportedly will be all supplied by three Taiwanese makers, Unimicron Technology,...
TSMC, ASE Technology, IC substrate makers including Unimicron Technology as well as international materials and equipment suppliers are all gearing up for the SiP (system-in-package)...
PCB and IC substrate suppliers have seen their shipments for TWS earbuds pick up significantly since the start of second-half 2020, and expect the shipment pull-in momentum to last...
Apple is scheduled to roll out its third-generation AirPods series earbuds in the first half of 2021 followed by the launch of a new-generation AirPods Pro in the second half of next...
Rigid-flex PCB manufacturers have seen orders for Apple's AirPods 2 slow down since 2020, but believe orders will return to year-ago levels in the second half of the year, according...