TPCA teams up with Taiwanese industry association to bolster talent and supply chains in Thai electronics manufacturing expansion

Press release


Taiwan Printed Circuit Association (TPCA) convened an investment exchange summit for the electronics manufacturing industries in Thailand on May 2nd. During the assembly, Mr. Lawrence Chang, Chairman of TPCA Thailand PCB Sodality (also Vice Chairman of TPCA), underscored the advent of a transformative industrial landscape amid the backdrop of the U.S.-China trade war and geopolitical intricacies.

Presently, various Taiwanese industries, spanning from electrical and electronics to machinery, automotive, and beyond, are poised to venture into Thailand, necessitating adept facilitation from respective industry association to swiftly establish a foothold. Taking the PCB industry as an example, since 2023, 11 Taiwanese-funded PCB manufacturers and over ten suppliers have publicly disclosed investments in Thailand. Responding to the multifaceted overseas investment requisites of its members, TPCA formally inaugurated TPCA Thailand PCB Sodality at the year's end to orchestrate tailored initiatives in Thailand. Mr. Lawrence Chang, Chairman of the TPCA Thailand PCB Sodality, expressed aspirations for synergistic endeavors between governmental entities and industries. Collaborative endeavors are envisioned to encompass industry, governmental, academic, and research realms, perpetuating the enhancement of Thailand's electronic manufacturing supply chain integrity while safeguarding Taiwan's competitive edge and fostering a promising horizon.

At the May 2nd electronics manufacturing investment exchange summit, Mr. Chang extended invitations to key persons of pivotal industry associations, including the Thailand Board of Investment (BOI), Thailand Printed Circuit Association (THPCA), alongside TEEMA, TAMI, TEEIA, TAIROA, and more. Collectively, they deliberated on talent acquisition and supply chain construction conundrums encountered by diverse industries. Facilitated by in-depth briefings from representatives of the BOI Taipei Office and THPCA General Manager, pragmatic resolutions and complementary measures were elucidated to industry association

In parallel, representatives from Chan Chao International Co., Ltd. capitalized on this occasion to expound on the achievements of the inaugural "Intelligent Asia Thailand 2024," held in March in Thailand. Mr. Jack Hung-Lung Chung, Deputy General Manager of Chan Chao International, highlighted that the debut of Intelligent Asia Thailand 2024 achieved a robust presence of nearly 400 booths within three months. The bustling attendance at assorted exchange meetings and talent matchmaking activities during the exposition underscored Thailand's burgeoning electronic manufacturing landscape, epitomizing the prosperous outcomes of the inaugural event. Appreciation was extended to all exhibitors for their patronage, along with industry sodalities for their robust engagement in forums and talent matchmaking undertakings.

As Thailand's nascent electronic manufacturing hub continues to burgeon, industry associations are primed to confront diverse member expectations and challenges. TPCA remains steadfast in optimizing Thailand's operational milieu, nurturing indigenous talents, and facilitating investments and collaborations across Thailand's supply chain spectrum. TPCA eagerly anticipates synergistic collaborations with industry associations to invigorate the electronic manufacturing landscape. Mr. Lawrence Chang expressed gratitude to all attendees for their concerted efforts in exchanging insights on Thailand's affairs, aiming to foster a comprehensive industry ecosystem and fortify industry member talent development. Through this summit, deeper insights into Thailand's investment climate were gleaned, empowering Taiwan's electronic manufacturing sector to leverage its collective prowess, infusing newfound vigor into Thailand's industrial revolution, and showcasing Taiwan's robust competitiveness on the global stage.


Chairman of TPCA Thailand Sodality Mr.Lawrence Chang poses for a photo with secretaries from electronics manufacturing industries associations and representatives from the Thailand Board of Investment (BOI).