Taiwan notebooks, 1Q 2023

Jim Hsiao, DIGITIMES Research, Taipei


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Global notebook shipments performed better than originally expected, shrinking only 9.5% sequentially and less than 35% on year in the first quarter of 2023, and the volumes will grow back 9% sequentially in the second quarter.

Global notebook shipments performed better than originally expected, shrinking only 9.5% sequentially and less than 35% on year in the first quarter of 2023, and the volumes will grow back 9% sequentially in the second quarter.

The performance in the first quarter was driven by brand vendors' keen inventory digestion and component procurement deceleration, strong demand from the gaming sector, and a wave of robust short-term orders in March.

With their inventory digestion reaching an end in the early second quarter, brands' new notebooks to begin volume shipment, and a recovery in the education sector's demand, Taiwan's shipments are expected to resume sequential growth in the second quarter with on-year decline shrinking to only slightly less than 15%.

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Price: NT$27,000 (approx. US$900)