AI3 QbiAI creates new generation of smart contact centers with industry-specific data

Sandy Du, DIGITIMES, Taipei 0

Different industries have been finding different ways to adapt to the global digital transformation. For example, customer service centers, which are heavily reliant upon extensive manpower, are now looking to transform because of the difficulties associated with employee training and rising labor costs. The most common tactic of the first call centers to undergo this transformation process was to utilize voice-activated self-service systems, which would allow customers to select the information they need through the click of a button, thereby reducing the wait time and the burden on customer service staff. There are also enterprises that chose to move their customer service centers to cost-competitive areas or outsource the department to professional customer service enterprises in a bid to reduce overall costs.

With the advancement of AI and natural language technology, global customer service centers have begun to transform again, this time using AI technology as the basis for smart customer service systems and chatbots to provide consumers with an interactive service experience. In fact, the QbiAI smart customer service platform launched by the artificial intelligence company AI3 has already assisted many government organizations and enterprises in Taiwan with building their next-generation smart customer service platform. Among the success stories of the company include the National Health Insurance Administration's webpage chatbot "A-Ken," the Ministry of Economic Affairs' "1988 Epidemic Relief Chatbot," and the Directorate-General of Personnel Administration's web chatbot.

According to AI3 general manager Chen Kai, the company has accumulated years of experience and technical expertise in system integration and CRM application in addition to having a professional semantic data team with some of the best industrial applications adaptability. By integrating AI algorithm, deep learning, natural language understanding, voice recognition, and voice to text technologies, the company has created a multi-platform smart customer service platform that can interact with consumers in a human-like manner through real-time text and voice, and which promises to be the best choice for traditional customer service centers that are looking to undergo digital transformation.

An omni-channel chatbot that can meet diverse industry demands

AI3 was originally founded in 2018 as a dedicated smart application development team under Chain Sea Information Group. Back in 2017, AI3 had already developed a new generation of service robots using deep learning architecture, winning them the Grand Prize in Taipei City Government's 1st Civil Affairs ChatBot Competition. To better meet market demands, AI3 was separated into an independent company. The company recruited the Industrial Technology Research Institute's AI technology team and other industrial talent to form a team with the goal of providing the most comprehensive smart robot solutions to enterprises and users in the era of artificial intelligence.

Chen Kai points out that there are many chatbots on the market with chat conversation or text interaction functions. However, after working in the field of custom relationship management for a considerable amount of time, he has come to the conclusion that with the increasing number of communication channels between customers and enterprises like telephone, instant messaging, and social media, a CRM solution needs to be able to effectively integrate all the channels then provide a platform for subsequent data analysis to be able to truly meet the needs of modern call centers. To this end, the company released the QbiAI omni-channel smart customer service platform consisting of three products: the QbiBot, QbiCRM, and QbiAI Cloud. Enterprises can choose the right service from the selection according to their needs.

Customized chatbot service using industry-proprietary knowledge

QbiBot combines deep learning algorithms with natural language processing to train a set of AI robot modules that can analyze human speech patterns. The trained module can then use feature learning to analyze the customer service Q&A database to provide professional and accurate answers to customer queries. The module can easily adapt to enterprises in different industries by analyzing the customer service text database of the corresponding field to generate a dedicated smart robot that can solve repetitive problems as well as answer various queries among other applications. The module has already seen widespread adoption in the financial, e-commerce, travel and ticketing, logistics, and retail industries.

There is also QbiAI Cloud, a solution that targets the needs of small and medium-sized enterprises with limited budgets or lower customer service needs. QbiAI Cloud is a combination of QbiBot and select core features of QbiCRM that allows enterprises to quickly integrate the company's live phone, text, or chatbot with a monthly subscription. This enables enterprises to quickly take stock of customer information and understand the actual scale of their customer service demands. QbiAI Cloud can serve as either a complete solution onto itself or as a transitionary step to more advanced products or services.

Given the Taiwan External Trade Development Council's impressive track record in international market expansion, AI3 is looking forward to the opportunity to participate in the Taiwan Excellence Smart Upgrade with AI Webinar on October 1 to gain exposure in the international market and promote their QbiAI multi-channel smart customer service platform to the global market. The webinar will be held online at 2pm October 1. Interested audiences are welcome to register at the event website.

Chen Kai, AI3 general manager

Chen Kai, AI3 general manager
Photo: AI3