Visualized data to promote interaction in 5G environment, says TWOMC Digital executive

Mark Tsai, Taipei; Steve Shen, DIGITIMES Asia

Visualization of data will be crucial for the next-generation marketing campaigns as various types of images such as 360-degree photos, AR/VR images and holographic pictures all will become the interfaces for the dissemination of information, according to Ryan McClure, managing director of TWOMC Digital (Indonesia).

Demand for digital marketing is poised for strong growth as there are increasing needs for the government to promote public policies and the private sector to campaign their products through the Internet, McClure said at 5G/Innovation Summit on November 25.

The availability of 5G technology will greatly promote interaction between enterprises and consumers, facilitating the dissemination of product information to consumers through interactive videos, McClure said, adding that this could be done through the visualization of data under 5G infrastructure.

Concerts, safety management of construction sites and disaster relief efforts can also be carried out by leveraging the trails of low latency and high bandwidth of 5G networks, McClure commented.

Ryan McClure

Ryan McClure, managing director of TWOMC Digital (Indonesia)
Photo: Sun Ta-wei, Digitimes, November 2019