Tuesday 19 October 2021
IC design houses join Foxconn EV ecosystem
Taiwan-based semiconductor suppliers MediaTek, Novatek, Realtek, Sunplus, ITE Tech, PixArt Imaging, Weltrend, Fitipower, NOVA, and Nuvoton have joined the Foxconn-led EV consortium,...
Friday 15 October 2021
Chipmakers gearing up for Wi-Fi 6/6E chip boom
Chipmakers including MediaTek, Qualcomm, and Broadcom are set to ramp up their output for Wi-Fi 6/6E chip solutions looking to embrace booming demand for such chips and increase their...
Friday 15 October 2021
Will foundry expansions lead to capacity glut?
Many IDMs and pure-play foundries, including second-tier ones, are all poised to expand their fab capacities sparking concerns that the arrival of the additional capacities could...
Friday 8 October 2021
RichWave sees RF-FEM shipments slip on shortage of Wi-Fi chips
Taiwan-based RichWave Technology, dedicated to offering RF-FEM (front-end modules) for Wi-Fi and other related applications, saw its September shipments slip significantly on shortage...
Thursday 7 October 2021
Tongfu to raise CNY5.5 billion for capacity expansions
China-based OSAT Tongfu Microelectronics plans to raise up to CNY5.5 billion (US$854 million) to fund its upcoming capacity expansions for a variety of segments, according to industry...
Wednesday 6 October 2021
Realtek to see 4Q21 revenue hit new record
Networking IC vendor Realtek Semiconductor is expected to enjoy another record-high quarterly revenue in the fourth quarter of 2021, as strong demand and tight foundry capacity continue...
Wednesday 6 October 2021
Wireless connectivity chip supply stays tight
The supply of wireless connectivity chips will stay tight through the first quarter of 2022, with Wi-Fi 5 chip modules from vendors in Taiwan able to satisfy only 70% of demand, according...
Friday 1 October 2021
STMicro, Xilinx to raise chip prices in 4Q21
STMicroelectronics and Xilinx have both notified their clients about price increases for their chip solutions starting the fourth quarter of 2021, which is expected to fuel a new...
Monday 27 September 2021
Taiwan IC vendors poised to raise prices in 4Q21
Several Taiwan-based IC design houses are poised to raise their chip prices starting the fourth quarter of 2021 to reflect rising manufacturing costs, according to industry sources...
Friday 3 September 2021
Backend firms see robust demand for MEMS microphones, audio ICs
Taiwan's backend houses including ASE Technology, Greatek Electronics, Orient Semiconductor Electronics (OSE), Lingsen Precision Industries and Taiwan IC Packaging have seen clear...
Thursday 2 September 2021
Suppliers eyeing demand boom for high-speed transmission chip solutions
Taiwan's vendors of transmission interface chip solutions are stepping up the development and production of high-speed solutions such as Wi-Fi 6E, PCIe4.0/5.0 controller chips and...
Monday 23 August 2021
IC distributors see order visibility for Wi-Fi chips extend to 1Q22
Taiwan-based IC distributors including Answer Technology (ANStek), GMI Technology, WPG and WT Microelectronics have all seen a strong pull-in of orders for Wi-Fi and other networking...
Wednesday 18 August 2021
Compal and Realtek form JV for chips, sources say
Compal Electronics and networking IC supplier Realtek Semiconductor have established a joint venture, Starmems Semiconductor that will be dedicated to supplying chips for notebook-used...
Monday 16 August 2021
Sony to score big from vigorous PS5 sales in 2021
Demand for games consoles continues to gain momentum amid persistent stay-at-home activities, allowing Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) to score big from the sales of its next-generation...
Monday 16 August 2021
Taiwan IC design houses keen to join MIH EV platform
More and more IC designers in Taiwan are keen to join the Foxconn-led MIH open EV platform and seek to cash in on the immense market demand for automotive chips, according to industry...
Arm Cortex -M0 series
Summary of Tech Supply Chain News!
Global chip firms tapping local talents and growing demands in Vietnam, says DIGITIMES Research
Fuel cell is pivotal for Taiwan's hydrogen industry, according to DIGITIMES Research
Silicon shield doesn't guarantee military deterrence for Taiwan, says DIGITIMES Research