Tuesday 19 March 2024
Moxa makes bold move into smart edge computing devices and IPCs
Moxa has announced two crucial strategic initiatives to propel its future operations.
Tuesday 19 March 2024
HiSilicon demos chip and terminal solutions for smart homes, displays, and IoT
HiSilicon (Shanghai) Technologies showcased new chip and terminal device solutions for smart homes, displays, and the Internet of Things (IoT) at the recent Appliance & Electronics...
Monday 19 February 2024
From integration to collaboration: ICAA's approach to IPC evolution
Dr. IJ Lee, Chairman of the Intelligent Computer & AIoT Association (ICAA) and Chairman of Litemax Technology,...
Monday 15 January 2024
CES 2024 review: automotive solutions remain highlights
While legacy carmakers like Toyota, Ford, and Tesla did not join the CES 2024, many luxury automakers and startups showcased their new EV models or even flying cars at the trade show...
Thursday 7 December 2023
With new Kaohsiung software R&D center, Foxconn aims high for Taiwan's software industry
With the new Kaohsiung software R&D center, Foxconn aims high for Taiwan's software industry.
Friday 24 November 2023
Pegavision unveils plans to develop smart contact lenses, aiming to become a global brand
In modern times, the integration of 3C products into daily life has sparked a surge in demand for high-margin contact lenses, creating lucrative "eyeball business opportunities."...
Monday 5 June 2023
AI pushes wave of smart application; IPC industry showcases another approach
Coming out of the pandemic, Computex 2023 was able to once again showcase Taiwan's strength to the global ICT industry via a physical show. With intelligence application being one...
Wednesday 15 February 2023
From wafers to hard drives, Seagate saves over 145 million in FY21 and FY22 with smart manufacturing
Jeffrey Nygaard, Seagate's executive vice president of operations and technology, pointed out that through smart manufacturing, Seagate saved over US$145 million in the past two fiscal...
Wednesday 1 February 2023
Looking ahead to 2023, Lenovo proposes 6 major technology trends
Lenovo has announced 6 key technology trends that will become mainstream in 2023. These include holographic projection, transformable devices, corporate metaverse, smart stores, multi-access...
Friday 20 January 2023
Aiello plans to move into long-term care institutions and cloud integration bot services
Aiello broke into the hotel industry using its AI voice assistant. CEO and co-founder Vic Shen pointed out that the company's next step will be to move into long-term care institutions...
Wednesday 18 January 2023
Fonemed eager to bring virtual healthcare to Asia to manage surging demand
Virtual care can be a solution to health professional shortages. It can also be a way to manage surging demand for healthcare as aging population alarms more and more countries. Fonemed...
Thursday 12 January 2023
Digital brain health solution provider, Neurovine, looking for partnership to advance wearable technology
Neurovine, an EEG (Electroencephalogram)-based cognitive pacing solution provider, tapped into the global ICT supply chain last year by joining the Canadian Technology Accelerator...
Tuesday 10 January 2023
Satellite communication competition heats up as Qualcomm joins the fray
At CES 2023, Qualcomm announced its Snapdragon Satellite solution. This further escalated the already heated competition in the mobile phone satellite communication sector.
Thursday 5 January 2023
Thought Technology helps athletes reach peak performance with biofeedback
Human body produces various physiological signals. Analyzing the information can help people better deal with stress or enable athletes to reach peak performance, besides many other...
Friday 23 December 2022
Taiwan-based LCD panel makers target smart applications
Global factors have had a major impact on LCD panel demand in 2022, causing industry players to expect demand to remain weak through the first half of 2023. Taiwan-based LCD panel...
Research Report Database
Summary of Tech Supply Chain News!
Fuel cell is pivotal for Taiwan's hydrogen industry, according to DIGITIMES Research
Silicon shield doesn't guarantee military deterrence for Taiwan, says DIGITIMES Research
Taiwan IPC makers pushing integrated services to boost profits and to see revenues grow in 2024, says DIGITIMES Research