Thursday 22 February 2024
Ultra-thin glass demand rising due to surge in foldable smartphones
Demand for foldable smartphones continues to surge as companies like Samsung Electronics, Huawei, and Oppo release new products, significantly boosting market sales and leading to...
Thursday 14 December 2023
Why is SDC no longer the largest shareholder of UTG supplier Dowooinsys?
The largest shareholder in South Korean ultra-thin glass (UTG) provider Dowooinsys is no longer Samsung Display (SDC). The industry interpreted that this change is not only affected...
Research Report Database
Summary of Tech Supply Chain News!
Fuel cell is pivotal for Taiwan's hydrogen industry, according to DIGITIMES Research
Silicon shield doesn't guarantee military deterrence for Taiwan, says DIGITIMES Research
Taiwan IPC makers pushing integrated services to boost profits and to see revenues grow in 2024, says DIGITIMES Research