Tuesday 21 May 2024
Memory module firms stockpile in anticipation of chip price rally
China- and Taiwan-based memory module houses have been actively stockpiling in anticipation of a sustained increase in chip prices, according to industry sources. The majority of...
Thursday 28 March 2024
Longsys enters backend industry with recent acquisitions
Longsys Electronics' recent acquisitions of Zilia (formerly SMART Brazil) and Longforce Technology Suzhou (formerly Powertech Technology Suzhou) mark the Chinese memory module specialist's...
Wednesday 20 March 2024
NAND flash prices to rally through 2Q24
NAND flash prices have risen since the second half of 2023 and are expected to reach new highs in the second quarter this year, according to industry sources.
Thursday 14 December 2023
Kingston announces joint venture with Longsys, vying for Chinese memory module market
Kingston Technology has announced plans to form a joint venture (JV) with fellow Chinese memory module company Longsys Electronics. The JV will operate independently, with a focus...
Tuesday 12 August 2014
China-based storage product maker Longsys eyes SSD demand in industrial control industry
China-based storage product maker Shenzhen Longsys Electronics, a top-three player in China's storage industry, is eyeing solid state drive (SSD) business opportunities from the industrial...